The CGRC shall exercise the following role and perform the following functions, namely-
- To receive the applications of the students from the portal available on the website of College / Institute and process them further.
- To attend all applications relating to the grievances of the students.
- To entertain and consider the grievances of the students. It may hear the students in person by giving opportunities of hearing.
- To hear all the concerned parties and settle grievances as early as possible.
- To counsel the students whenever necessary to resolve their grievances.
- To give advice to the students through correspondence.
- The CGRC shall not discuss with any sub-judice grievances.
- It shall make efforts to settle the disputes amicably.
- To prepare and submit the recommendations relating to the redressal of grievances to the concerned.
- 10) To consider and submit recommendations and suggestion in respect of reforms in the working of various sections/units/departments/cells of the College/Institution relating to the redressal of grievances of students.
- To prepare Minutes and Action Taken Report of the meeting of CGRC and submit it to the Director, Students’ Development, University of Mumbai.
- To prepare Annual Report regarding working of the CGRC and submit it to the Director, Students’ Development, University of Mumbai.